Why And When Do You Need To Call A Tree Surgeon?

Tree surgeons or arborists are professionals capable of treating trees, shrubs, or hedges. They use their knowledge of the discipline and experience to support client requirements. While it is easy to categorise an arborist as someone who cuts trees, they offer ways to support the growth of your trees and plants. The following situations emphasise the need to call a tree surgeon.

Supporting Growth

Supporting growth is one of the capabilities that tree surgeons Maidstone offers. Arborists use their knowledge of plants to come up with care strategies. They help determine whether the tree gets the appropriate nutrients in the soil and whether their characteristic best fits your property. If your tree is not growing like how it should, then you can ask for an expert opinion and identify the necessary steps to ensure adequate support and attention.

Maintenance and Safety

Tree surgeons also function to assist with the daily maintenance of your plants. Their experience working with trees and shrubs through the years help them address issues such as excessive growth, protruding branches, or overextending roots. Arborists are capable of trimming or pruning duties without sacrificing the health of the tree. Applying periodic maintenance is beneficial to improve life expectancy. When you consult with tree surgeons, they can offer professional insights on crucial points such as timeframe, cost, and other related components you need to know.

There is the concept of safety. Tree surgeons Maidstone are competent in handling cutting equipment and machinery. They have the necessary gear to handle pruning from a specific height. Moreover, reputable contractors have their particular certifications and international licenses. Whether it is a shrub or an enormous tree, arborists have the expertise to fulfill these tasks and maintain the reliability of service. In finding tree surgeons make sure to check whether they have background and credentials in tree risk management, soil management, and safe working practices.

Specialised Services

Arborists shine in their ability to provide specialised services to customers. These feature activities that aim to identify whether a tree or plant experiences the right conditions to thrive. For example, a tree surgeon will examine the roots to assess soil level and ability to absorb or drain water. Homeowners cannot evaluate these features without proper training or knowledge.

Another related service that tree surgeons offer feature cutting branches. Pruning dead branches require specific methods and techniques. An arborist can readily recognise how plants grow and adjust the trimming style to match these requirements. A well-trained tree surgeon also takes into account reducing the stress of a specific part to achieve balanced growth.

Answering the When and Why

Overall, you should consult with tree surgeons Maidstone every time you have an issue with your trees and plants. Their preliminary inputs can help you determine the following steps necessary. While you can do some of the tasks, it is significant to ask for an opinion on ways to handle trimming and maintenance of trees. As for the reasons why they need professional inputs, homeowners can get inputs from an expert professional who can prolong the life of your plants and help you fulfill maintenance requirements adequately.


If you need tree surgeons Maidstone, Valley Park Tree Care has a team of experts who can help you with all of your tree care needs.
