5 Smart Tricks to Maintain Your Home Speakers and Get the Best Sound

5 Smart Tricks to Maintain Your Home Speakers and Get the Best Sound

To get the top quality sound in your house, you must have good speakers that are set up correctly and well maintained. With proper maintenance as well as care, your home speakers can deliver top-notch sound continually for many years. Here are five tricks to help you take care of your home speakers and maintain them with ease.

Setting up Your Speakers
Having the wiring set up accurately is critical to the performance of your home speakers. Always make sure the components are plugged in properly and connected to the right jacks to avoid any future damage the system. Do not put your audio speakers near any magnetic source because that can surely damage the inbuilt electromagnet. You also should not put them on any metal stand that is conducive to the magnetism. Put your audio speakers on a wooden or non-magnetic stand.
           After you buy your audio speakers, you should allow them to run for at least 24 hours to identify any issues. This is usually called as a burn-out test. It will surely help you identify any manufacturer’s defects.

Keeping Speakers Clean
You should regularly clean your speakers to avoid any future malfunctioning. Do not use any liquid cleaner that could damage its amplifier. Before using anything, please check with the manufacturer for a recommendation. Dust can have an adverse affect on the performance of your audio speakers. Put them in a proper place and cover them with a cloth, so dust will not be able to get inside the interior of the speakers. You can also use a vacuum to clean out dust occasionally.

Preventing Damage to Your Speakers
Static electricity can also affect the performance of your home speakers. Just walking across a carpet and simply touching a speaker can cause damage. You can counter this static electricity by using the anti-static floor mats or spraying any good quality anti-static chemicals.
           Heat can also damage the speakers. Keep your speakers away from the direct sunlight. If an audio speaker has a vent hole in the bottom, it should not be blocked at all. Ventilating your speakers can increase their life. You can set up a fan near your speakers to keep them cool when they are being used. Your audio speakers will require an uninterrupted power supply and proper voltage stabilizer. This will surely protect them if there is a power outage, electrical surge, or storm.

Don’t Wrap Cables Too Tightly
Cables might look, feel, and appear to be little more than the rope that has a right connector attached at either end. Because of this, it’s quite easy to forget how fragile the thin wires inside the cables are. To save space, people often wrap these wires very tightly or bend them at the sharp angles to get them in tight spaces. This smart practice may help you solve aesthetic issues or reduce the amount of setup time required, but over time this can lessen the reliability of the cable and may ruin a perfectly good system in the process. Wrap wires loosely, and avoid putting them in places where they are prone to be tripped over, snagged, or sometimes chewed on by a bored pet. With care, audio and video cables should last for many years.

Where to Get the Advice about Home Speakers
Read the maintenance guide that you received when you bought the home speakers. It will surely have detailed instructions and tips on how to take care of your specific brand of speakers and extend their life.

Emma Singleton, More information visit: http://www.soundsystemsc.us
