Want to Sell Domain Name to make Profit

Is there anything shortcut to choose a best domain name for your website? Domain names can be worth a lot of money, for example: famous names like amazon.com and ebay.com selling for millions respectively.

When finding million dollar domain names is tough, it’s still very possible to profit from flipping (Selling) domains for hundreds or thousands of dollars each.

Here you’ll learn tactics for domain selling. From finding expired domains with Page Rank and  backlink profiles to buying local domains to resell to small business, read on to become a domain flipping expert.

Focus on SEO friendly domain names for Selling

Search engine optimization has grown from a small market to big industry. From pizza delivery restaurants to barbers, Every Small or Big business wants to be on the first result for its target search keywords.

So best ways to increase search engine rankings is with a domain name that includes your target keywords. For example: newyorksfoodDelivery.com should rank near the top of the results for keywords like “new York food delivery.”

Use Go Daddy, Name cheap or another domain registrar to search for local domains. Once you have found, buy it and also contact local businesses that you think would be interested in to owning it.
With an emails you will rarely struggle to find a local business owners that interested in acquiring a valuable domain name. With the right focus on sales, this domain flipping (selling) strategy can be profitable.

Buy domain Names with High Page Rank

There’s more to SEO than just the using keyword for your domain. Domains that were previously used for other websites but have (since expired often) hundreds of backlinks and a reasonably high Page Rank.

That is valuable to SEOs interested in building links to their own websites or rebuilding the domain to get search engine traffic. Expired or dropped domains with a high Page Rank of five or more are valuable.

Finding domains with High Page Rank manually is more time consuming. However, if you’re used to web scraping, you will find it easy to locate High Page Rank Domain Names.

Choosing the Right Niche

If you know about a niche very well – whether it’s fishing or small business advice – Use your knowledge and search for domains for sale within your niche.

With an expert’s perspective, you are bound to discover domains being sold on most registrars and auction websites for less than they’re worth. If you are an expert, you will also find it easier to contact potential buyers in your niche.

From exterior decorating to automotive repair, all niche has opportunities for a smart domain investor to profit. Use your expert knowledge to scout your favorite niche for good domain investing opportunities.

You sell Domain, Websites, Apps or Blogs on HiWebby.

Sell (Flip) Websites with Domains

Domain is worth far more with it comes with an established website instead of on its own. Building a website with your investment domains has several benefits like:  shows its potential, it proves its SEO value, and makes it more appealing for buyers.

If you found a domain that you think could generate traffic from search engines with minimal SEO, don’t be afraid to build a small simple WordPress website. Finding the right buyer for website can double or triple a domain’s value.
